XWiki Icon Set
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/02/26 17:52
XWiki icons
Name | Silk | Font Awesome | Glyphicon (Bootstrap) | Elusive |
home | house | fa-home | glyphicon-home | el-icon-home |
wiki | world | fa-globe | glyphicon-globe | el-icon-globe |
space | folder | fa-folder-open | glyphicon-folder-open | el-icon-folder-open |
page | page_white_text | fa-file-o | glyphicon-file | el-icon-file |
check | accept | fa-check | glyphicon-ok | el-icon-ok |
add | add | fa-plus | glyphicon-plus | el-icon-plus |
anchor | anchor | fa-anchor | ||
terminal | application_osx_terminal | fa-terminal | glyphicon-console | |
list | application_view_list | fa-list-alt | glyphicon-list-alt | el-icon-list-alt |
branch | arrow_branch | fa-code-fork | ||
down | arrow_down | fa-arrow-down | glyphicon-arrow-down | |
up | arrow_up | fa-arrow-up | glyphicon-arrow-up | |
left | arrow_left | fa-arrow-left | glyphicon-arrow-left | |
right | arrow_right | fa-arrow-right | glyphicon-arrow-right | |
arrows | arrow_out | fa-arrows-alt | glyphicon-fullscreen | |
repeat | arrow_redo | fa-repeat | glyphicon-retweet | |
undo | arrow_undo | fa-undo | ||
refresh | arrow_refresh | fa-refresh | glyphicon-refresh | |
rotate-left | arrow_rotate_anticlockwise | fa-rotate-left | ||
rotate-right | arrow_rotate_clockwise | fa-rotate-right | glyphicon-repeat | |
switch | arrow_switch | fa-random | glyphicon-random | el-icon-random |
random | arrow_switch | fa-random | glyphicon-random | el-icon-random |
attach | attach | fa-paperclip | glyphicon-paperclip | el-icon-paper-clip |
shopping-cart | cart | fa-shopping-cart | glyphicon-shopping-cart | el-icon-shopping-cart |
bell | bell | fa-bell | glyphicon-bell | el-icon-bell |
trash | bin | fa-trash | glyphicon-trash | el-icon-trash |
bomb | bomb | fa-bomb | ||
book | book | fa-book | glyphicon-book | el-icon-book |
bullet_black | fa-circle | |||
cube | box | fa-cube | ||
cubes | bricks | fa-cubes | ||
briefcase | briefcase | fa-briefcase | glyphicon-briefcase | el-icon-briefcase |
bug | bug | fa-bug | ||
building | building | fa-building | ||
caret-down | bullet_arrow_down | fa-caret-down | glyphicon-triangle-bottom | el-icon-caret-down |
caret-up | bullet_arrow_up | fa-caret-up | glyphicon-triangle-top | el-icon-caret-up |
caret-right | bullet_go | fa-caret-right | glyphicon-triangle-right | el-icon-caret-right |
calculator | calculator | fa-calculator | ||
calendar | calendar | fa-calendar | glyphicon-calendar | el-icon-calendar |
camera | camera | fa-camera | glyphicon-camera | el-icon-camera |
remove | cancel | fa-times-circle | glyphicon-remove-sign | el-icon-remove-sign |
cross | cross | fa-times | glyphicon-remove | el-icon-remove |
car | car | fa-car | glyphicon-bed | el-icon-car |
truck | lorry | fa-truck | ||
chart-bar | chart_bar | fa-bar-chart-o | ||
chart-organisation | chart_organisation | fa-sitemap | ||
cloud | weather_clouds | fa-cloud | glyphicon-cloud | el-icon-cloud |
clock | clock | fa-clock-o | ||
cog | cog | fa-cog | glyphicon-cog | el-icon-cog |
comment | comment | fa-comment | glyphicon-comment | el-icon-comment |
comments | comments | fa-comments | ||
desktop | computer | fa-desktop | ||
contrast | contrast | fa-adjust | ||
eject | control_eject | fa-eject | glyphicon-eject | el-icon-eject |
step-forward | control_end | fa-step-forward | glyphicon-step-forward | el-icon-step-forward |
step-backward | control_start | fa-step-backward | glyphicon-step-backward | el-icon-step-backward |
fast-forward | control_fastforward | fa-fast-forward | glyphicon-fast-forward | el-icon-fast-forward |
backward | control_rewind | fa-backward | glyphicon-backward | el-icon-backward |
play | control_play | fa-play | glyphicon-play | el-icon-play |
pause | control_pause | fa-pause | glyphicon-pause | el-icon-pause |
stop | control_stop | fa-stop | glyphicon-stop | el-icon-stop |
gamepad | controller | fa-gamepad | ||
credit-card | creditcards | fa-credit-card | glyphicon-credit-card | el-icon-credit-card |
coffee | cup | fa-coffee | ||
cut | cut | fa-cut | ||
database | database | fa-database | ||
delete | delete | fa-minus-circle | glyphicon-minus-sign | el-icon-minus-sign |
floppy-disk | disk | fa-floppy-o | glyphicon-floppy-disk | el-icon-floppy-disk |
glass | drink | fa-glass | glyphicon-glass | el-icon-glass |
drive | drive | fa-hdd-o | glyphicon-hdd | el-icon-hdd |
envelope | fa-envelope-o | glyphicon-envelope | el-icon-envelope | |
warning | error | fa-exclamation-triangle | glyphicon-warning-sign | el-icon-warning-sign |
error | exclamation | fa-exclamation-circle | glyphicon-exclamation-sign | el-icon-exclamation-sign |
info | information | fa-info-circle | glyphicon-info-sign | el-icon-info-sign |
eye | eye | fa-eye | glyphicon-eye-open | el-icon-eye-open |
rss | feed | fa-rss | ||
female | female | fa-female | ||
male | male | fa-male | ||
film | film | fa-film | glyphicon-film | el-icon-film |
flag | flag_blue | fa-flag | glyphicon-flag | el-icon-flag |
search | magnifier | fa-search | glyphicon-search | el-icon-search |
search-plus | zoom_in | fa-search-plus | ||
search-minus | zoom_out | fa-search-minus | ||
folder | folder | fa-folder | glyphicon-folder-open | el-icon-folder-open |
user | user | fa-user | ||
group | group | fa-group | ||
heart | heart | fa-heart | glyphicon-heart | el-icon-heart |
heart_empty | heart_empty | fa-heart-o | glyphicon-heart-empty | el-icon-heart-empty |
question | help | fa-question-circle | glyphicon-question-sign | el-icon-question-sign |
image | image | fa-image | glyphicon-picture | el-icon-picture |
key | key | fa-key | ||
keyboard | keyboard | fa-keyboard-o | ||
lightbulb | lightbulb | fa-lightbulb-o | ||
link | link | fa-link | glyphicon-link | el-icon-link |
unlink | link_break | fa-unlink | ||
lock | lock | fa-lock | glyphicon-lock | el-icon-lock |
unlock | lock_open | fa-unlock | ||
money | money | fa-money | ||
dollar | money_dollar | fa-dollar | ||
euro | money_euro | fa-euro | glyphicon-euro | el-icon-euro |
gbp | money_pound | fa-gbp | glyphicon-gbp | el-icon-gbp |
yen | money_yen | fa-yen | ||
music | music | fa-music | glyphicon-music | el-icon-music |
file | page | fa-file | glyphicon-file | el-icon-file |
file-white | page_white | fa-file-o | ||
file-pdf | page_white_acrobat | fa-file-pdf-o | ||
file-code | page_white_code | fa-file-code-o | ||
file-archive | page_white_compressed | fa-file-archive-o | ||
file-word | page_white_word | fa-file-word-o | ||
file-excel | page_white_excel | fa-file-excel-o | ||
file-powerpoint | page_white_powerpoint | fa-file-powerpoint-o | ||
file-text | page_white_text | fa-file-text-o | ||
paste | paste_plain | fa-paste | ||
pencil | pencil | fa-pencil | glyphicon-pencil | el-icon-pencil |
printer | fa-print | |||
shield | shield | fa-shield | ||
certificate | rosette | fa-certificate | glyphicon-certificate | el-icon-certificate |
volume-up | sound | fa-volume-up | ||
volume-down | sound_low | fa-volume-down | ||
volume-off | sound_none | fa-volume-off | ||
soccer | sport_soccer | fa-futbol-o | ||
star | star | fa-star | ||
table | table | fa-table | ||
phone | telephone | fa-phone | ||
font | font | fa-font | glyphicon-font | el-icon-font |
bold | text_bold | fa-bold | glyphicon-bold | el-icon-bold |
italic | text_italic | fa-italic | glyphicon-italic | el-icon-italic |
strikethrough | text_strikethrough | fa-strikethrough | ||
subscript | text_subscript | fa-subscript | ||
superscript | text_superscript | fa-superscript | ||
underline | text_underline | fa-underline | ||
align-center | text_align_center | fa-align-center | glyphicon-align-center | el-icon-align-center |
align-justify | text_align_justify | fa-align-justify | glyphicon-align-justify | el-icon-align-justify |
align-left | text_align_left | fa-align-left | glyphicon-align-left | el-icon-align-left |
align-right | text_align_right | fa-align-right | glyphicon-align-right | el-icon-align-right |
columns | text_columns | fa-columns | ||
indent-left | text_indent | fa-indent | glyphicon-indent-left | el-icon-indent-left |
indent-right | text_indent_remove | fa-outdent | glyphicon-indent-right | el-icon-indent-right |
list-bullets | text_list_bullets | fa-list-ul | glyphicon-list | el-icon-list |
list-numbers | text_list_numbers | fa-list-ol | ||
sun | weather_sun | fa-sun-o | ||
world | world | fa-globe | glyphicon-globe | el-icon-globe |
wrench | wrench | fa-wrench | glyphicon-wrench | el-icon-wrench |
menu | bullet_arrow_down | fa-bars | glyphicon-menu-hamburger | el-icon-lines |
more-vertical | bullet_arrow_down | fa-ellipsis-v | glyphicon-option-vertical | el-icon-chevron-down |
edit | page_edit | fa-edit | glyphicon-edit | el-icon-edit |
copy | page_copy | fa-copy | glyphicon-edit | el-icon-file-edit |
move | page_go | fa-external-link | glyphicon-new-window | el-icon-share |
download | application_put | fa-download | glyphicon-download-alt | el-icon-download-alt |
log-in | user_go | fa-sign-in | glyphicon-log-in | el-icon-circle-arrow-right |
log-out | user_go | fa-sign-out | glyphicon-log-out | el-icon-circle-arrow-right |
th | application_view_tile | fa-th | glyphicon-th | el-icon-th |
translate | page_white_world | fa-language | glyphicon-globe | el-icon-globe |
minus-square | bullet_toggle_minus | fa-minus-square | glyphicon-minus-sign | el-icon-minus-sign |
plus-square | bullet_toggle_plus | fa-plus-square | glyphicon-plus-sign | el-icon-plus-sign |
filter | find | fa-filter | ||
fast-backward | control_rewind | fa-fast-backward | ||
arrow_in | arrow_in | fa-window-minimize | ||
table_sort | table_sort | fa-sort | ||
emoticon_smile | emoticon_smile | fa-smile-o | glyphicon-user | el-icon-smiley |
Feel free to add others!
For developers
List of icons
#set($xwikiIcons = ['home', 'wiki', 'space', 'page', 'check', 'add', 'anchor', 'terminal', 'list', 'branch', 'down', 'up', 'left', 'right', 'arrows', 'repeat', 'undo', 'refresh', 'rotate-left', 'rotate-right', 'switch', 'random', 'attach', 'shopping-cart', 'bell', 'trash', 'bomb', 'book', 'bullet_black', 'cube', 'cubes', 'briefcase', 'bug', 'building', 'caret-down', 'caret-up', 'caret-right', 'calculator', 'calendar', 'camera', 'remove', 'cross', 'car', 'truck', 'chart-bar', 'chart-organisation', 'cloud', 'clock', 'cog', 'comment', 'comments', 'desktop', 'contrast', 'eject', 'step-forward', 'step-backward', 'fast-forward', 'backward', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', 'gamepad', 'credit-card', 'coffee', 'cut', 'database', 'delete', 'floppy-disk', 'glass', 'drive', 'envelope', 'warning', 'error', 'info', 'eye', 'rss', 'female', 'male', 'film', 'flag', 'search', 'search-plus', 'search-minus', 'folder', 'user', 'group', 'heart', 'heart_empty', 'question', 'image', 'key', 'keyboard', 'lightbulb', 'link', 'unlink', 'lock', 'unlock', 'money', 'dollar', 'euro', 'gbp', 'yen', 'music', 'file', 'file-white', 'file-pdf', 'file-code', 'file-archive', 'file-word', 'file-excel', 'file-powerpoint', 'file-text', 'paste', 'pencil', 'print', 'shield', 'certificate', 'volume-up', 'volume-down', 'volume-off', 'soccer', 'star', 'table', 'phone', 'font', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'underline', 'align-center', 'align-justify', 'align-left', 'align-right', 'columns', 'indent-left', 'indent-right', 'list-bullets', 'list-numbers', 'sun', 'world', 'wrench', 'menu', 'more-vertical', 'edit', 'copy', 'move', 'download', 'log-in', 'log-out', 'th', 'translate', 'minus-square', 'plus-square', 'filter', 'fast-backward', 'arrow_in', 'table_sort', 'emoticon_smile'])
Mapping for Font Awesome
Put it there when it is not up to date: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/master/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-icon/xwiki-platform-icon-fontawesome/src/main/resources/IconThemes/FontAwesome.xml
home = home
wiki = globe
space = folder-open
page = file-o
check = check
add = plus
anchor = anchor
terminal = terminal
list = list-alt
branch = code-fork
down = arrow-down
up = arrow-up
left = arrow-left
right = arrow-right
arrows = arrows-alt
repeat = repeat
undo = undo
refresh = refresh
rotate-left = rotate-left
rotate-right = rotate-right
switch = random
random = random
attach = paperclip
shopping-cart = shopping-cart
bell = bell
trash = trash
bomb = bomb
book = book
bullet_black = circle
cube = cube
cubes = cubes
briefcase = briefcase
bug = bug
building = building
caret-down = caret-down
caret-up = caret-up
caret-right = caret-right
calculator = calculator
calendar = calendar
camera = camera
remove = times-circle
cross = times
car = car
truck = truck
chart-bar = bar-chart-o
chart-organisation = sitemap
cloud = cloud
clock = clock-o
cog = cog
comment = comment
comments = comments
desktop = desktop
contrast = adjust
eject = eject
step-forward = step-forward
step-backward = step-backward
fast-forward = fast-forward
backward = backward
play = play
pause = pause
stop = stop
gamepad = gamepad
credit-card = credit-card
coffee = coffee
cut = cut
database = database
delete = minus-circle
floppy-disk = floppy-o
glass = glass
drive = hdd-o
envelope = envelope-o
warning = exclamation-triangle
error = exclamation-circle
info = info-circle
eye = eye
rss = rss
female = female
male = male
film = film
flag = flag
search = search
search-plus = search-plus
search-minus = search-minus
folder = folder
user = user
group = group
heart = heart
heart_empty = heart-o
question = question-circle
image = image
key = key
keyboard = keyboard-o
lightbulb = lightbulb-o
link = link
unlink = unlink
lock = lock
unlock = unlock
money = money
dollar = dollar
euro = euro
gbp = gbp
yen = yen
music = music
file = file
file-white = file-o
file-pdf = file-pdf-o
file-code = file-code-o
file-archive = file-archive-o
file-word = file-word-o
file-excel = file-excel-o
file-powerpoint = file-powerpoint-o
file-text = file-text-o
paste = paste
pencil = pencil
print = print
shield = shield
certificate = certificate
volume-up = volume-up
volume-down = volume-down
volume-off = volume-off
soccer = futbol-o
star = star
table = table
phone = phone
font = font
bold = bold
italic = italic
strikethrough = strikethrough
subscript = subscript
superscript = superscript
underline = underline
align-center = align-center
align-justify = align-justify
align-left = align-left
align-right = align-right
columns = columns
indent-left = indent
indent-right = outdent
list-bullets = list-ul
list-numbers = list-ol
sun = sun-o
world = globe
wrench = wrench
menu = bars
more-vertical = ellipsis-v
edit = edit
copy = copy
move = external-link
download = download
log-in = sign-in
log-out = sign-out
th = th
translate = language
minus-square = minus-square
plus-square = plus-square
filter = filter
fast-backward = fast-backward
arrow_in = window-minimize
table_sort = sort
emoticon_smile = smile-o
wiki = globe
space = folder-open
page = file-o
check = check
add = plus
anchor = anchor
terminal = terminal
list = list-alt
branch = code-fork
down = arrow-down
up = arrow-up
left = arrow-left
right = arrow-right
arrows = arrows-alt
repeat = repeat
undo = undo
refresh = refresh
rotate-left = rotate-left
rotate-right = rotate-right
switch = random
random = random
attach = paperclip
shopping-cart = shopping-cart
bell = bell
trash = trash
bomb = bomb
book = book
bullet_black = circle
cube = cube
cubes = cubes
briefcase = briefcase
bug = bug
building = building
caret-down = caret-down
caret-up = caret-up
caret-right = caret-right
calculator = calculator
calendar = calendar
camera = camera
remove = times-circle
cross = times
car = car
truck = truck
chart-bar = bar-chart-o
chart-organisation = sitemap
cloud = cloud
clock = clock-o
cog = cog
comment = comment
comments = comments
desktop = desktop
contrast = adjust
eject = eject
step-forward = step-forward
step-backward = step-backward
fast-forward = fast-forward
backward = backward
play = play
pause = pause
stop = stop
gamepad = gamepad
credit-card = credit-card
coffee = coffee
cut = cut
database = database
delete = minus-circle
floppy-disk = floppy-o
glass = glass
drive = hdd-o
envelope = envelope-o
warning = exclamation-triangle
error = exclamation-circle
info = info-circle
eye = eye
rss = rss
female = female
male = male
film = film
flag = flag
search = search
search-plus = search-plus
search-minus = search-minus
folder = folder
user = user
group = group
heart = heart
heart_empty = heart-o
question = question-circle
image = image
key = key
keyboard = keyboard-o
lightbulb = lightbulb-o
link = link
unlink = unlink
lock = lock
unlock = unlock
money = money
dollar = dollar
euro = euro
gbp = gbp
yen = yen
music = music
file = file
file-white = file-o
file-pdf = file-pdf-o
file-code = file-code-o
file-archive = file-archive-o
file-word = file-word-o
file-excel = file-excel-o
file-powerpoint = file-powerpoint-o
file-text = file-text-o
paste = paste
pencil = pencil
print = print
shield = shield
certificate = certificate
volume-up = volume-up
volume-down = volume-down
volume-off = volume-off
soccer = futbol-o
star = star
table = table
phone = phone
font = font
bold = bold
italic = italic
strikethrough = strikethrough
subscript = subscript
superscript = superscript
underline = underline
align-center = align-center
align-justify = align-justify
align-left = align-left
align-right = align-right
columns = columns
indent-left = indent
indent-right = outdent
list-bullets = list-ul
list-numbers = list-ol
sun = sun-o
world = globe
wrench = wrench
menu = bars
more-vertical = ellipsis-v
edit = edit
copy = copy
move = external-link
download = download
log-in = sign-in
log-out = sign-out
th = th
translate = language
minus-square = minus-square
plus-square = plus-square
filter = filter
fast-backward = fast-backward
arrow_in = window-minimize
table_sort = sort
emoticon_smile = smile-o
Mapping for Silk
Put it there when it is not up to date: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/master/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-icon/xwiki-platform-icon-ui/src/main/resources/IconThemes/Silk.xml
and there:
home = house
wiki = world
space = folder
page = page_white_text
check = accept
add = add
anchor = anchor
terminal = application_osx_terminal
list = application_view_list
branch = arrow_branch
down = arrow_down
up = arrow_up
left = arrow_left
right = arrow_right
arrows = arrow_out
repeat = arrow_redo
undo = arrow_undo
refresh = arrow_refresh
rotate-left = arrow_rotate_anticlockwise
rotate-right = arrow_rotate_clockwise
switch = arrow_switch
random = arrow_switch
attach = attach
shopping-cart = cart
bell = bell
trash = bin
bomb = bomb
book = book
bullet_black =
cube = box
cubes = bricks
briefcase = briefcase
bug = bug
building = building
caret-down = bullet_arrow_down
caret-up = bullet_arrow_up
caret-right = bullet_go
calculator = calculator
calendar = calendar
camera = camera
remove = cancel
cross = cross
car = car
truck = lorry
chart-bar = chart_bar
chart-organisation = chart_organisation
cloud = weather_clouds
clock = clock
cog = cog
comment = comment
comments = comments
desktop = computer
contrast = contrast
eject = control_eject
step-forward = control_end
step-backward = control_start
fast-forward = control_fastforward
backward = control_rewind
play = control_play
pause = control_pause
stop = control_stop
gamepad = controller
credit-card = creditcards
coffee = cup
cut = cut
database = database
delete = delete
floppy-disk = disk
glass = drink
drive = drive
envelope = email
warning = error
error = exclamation
info = information
eye = eye
rss = feed
female = female
male = male
film = film
flag = flag_blue
search = magnifier
search-plus = zoom_in
search-minus = zoom_out
folder = folder
user = user
group = group
heart = heart
heart_empty = heart_empty
question = help
image = image
key = key
keyboard = keyboard
lightbulb = lightbulb
link = link
unlink = link_break
lock = lock
unlock = lock_open
money = money
dollar = money_dollar
euro = money_euro
gbp = money_pound
yen = money_yen
music = music
file = page
file-white = page_white
file-pdf = page_white_acrobat
file-code = page_white_code
file-archive = page_white_compressed
file-word = page_white_word
file-excel = page_white_excel
file-powerpoint = page_white_powerpoint
file-text = page_white_text
paste = paste_plain
pencil = pencil
print = printer
shield = shield
certificate = rosette
volume-up = sound
volume-down = sound_low
volume-off = sound_none
soccer = sport_soccer
star = star
table = table
phone = telephone
font = font
bold = text_bold
italic = text_italic
strikethrough = text_strikethrough
subscript = text_subscript
superscript = text_superscript
underline = text_underline
align-center = text_align_center
align-justify = text_align_justify
align-left = text_align_left
align-right = text_align_right
columns = text_columns
indent-left = text_indent
indent-right = text_indent_remove
list-bullets = text_list_bullets
list-numbers = text_list_numbers
sun = weather_sun
world = world
wrench = wrench
menu = bullet_arrow_down
more-vertical = bullet_arrow_down
edit = page_edit
copy = page_copy
move = page_go
download = application_put
log-in = user_go
log-out = user_go
th = application_view_tile
translate = page_white_world
minus-square = bullet_toggle_minus
plus-square = bullet_toggle_plus
filter = find
fast-backward = control_rewind
arrow_in = arrow_in
table_sort = table_sort
emoticon_smile = emoticon_smile
wiki = world
space = folder
page = page_white_text
check = accept
add = add
anchor = anchor
terminal = application_osx_terminal
list = application_view_list
branch = arrow_branch
down = arrow_down
up = arrow_up
left = arrow_left
right = arrow_right
arrows = arrow_out
repeat = arrow_redo
undo = arrow_undo
refresh = arrow_refresh
rotate-left = arrow_rotate_anticlockwise
rotate-right = arrow_rotate_clockwise
switch = arrow_switch
random = arrow_switch
attach = attach
shopping-cart = cart
bell = bell
trash = bin
bomb = bomb
book = book
bullet_black =
cube = box
cubes = bricks
briefcase = briefcase
bug = bug
building = building
caret-down = bullet_arrow_down
caret-up = bullet_arrow_up
caret-right = bullet_go
calculator = calculator
calendar = calendar
camera = camera
remove = cancel
cross = cross
car = car
truck = lorry
chart-bar = chart_bar
chart-organisation = chart_organisation
cloud = weather_clouds
clock = clock
cog = cog
comment = comment
comments = comments
desktop = computer
contrast = contrast
eject = control_eject
step-forward = control_end
step-backward = control_start
fast-forward = control_fastforward
backward = control_rewind
play = control_play
pause = control_pause
stop = control_stop
gamepad = controller
credit-card = creditcards
coffee = cup
cut = cut
database = database
delete = delete
floppy-disk = disk
glass = drink
drive = drive
envelope = email
warning = error
error = exclamation
info = information
eye = eye
rss = feed
female = female
male = male
film = film
flag = flag_blue
search = magnifier
search-plus = zoom_in
search-minus = zoom_out
folder = folder
user = user
group = group
heart = heart
heart_empty = heart_empty
question = help
image = image
key = key
keyboard = keyboard
lightbulb = lightbulb
link = link
unlink = link_break
lock = lock
unlock = lock_open
money = money
dollar = money_dollar
euro = money_euro
gbp = money_pound
yen = money_yen
music = music
file = page
file-white = page_white
file-pdf = page_white_acrobat
file-code = page_white_code
file-archive = page_white_compressed
file-word = page_white_word
file-excel = page_white_excel
file-powerpoint = page_white_powerpoint
file-text = page_white_text
paste = paste_plain
pencil = pencil
print = printer
shield = shield
certificate = rosette
volume-up = sound
volume-down = sound_low
volume-off = sound_none
soccer = sport_soccer
star = star
table = table
phone = telephone
font = font
bold = text_bold
italic = text_italic
strikethrough = text_strikethrough
subscript = text_subscript
superscript = text_superscript
underline = text_underline
align-center = text_align_center
align-justify = text_align_justify
align-left = text_align_left
align-right = text_align_right
columns = text_columns
indent-left = text_indent
indent-right = text_indent_remove
list-bullets = text_list_bullets
list-numbers = text_list_numbers
sun = weather_sun
world = world
wrench = wrench
menu = bullet_arrow_down
more-vertical = bullet_arrow_down
edit = page_edit
copy = page_copy
move = page_go
download = application_put
log-in = user_go
log-out = user_go
th = application_view_tile
translate = page_white_world
minus-square = bullet_toggle_minus
plus-square = bullet_toggle_plus
filter = find
fast-backward = control_rewind
arrow_in = arrow_in
table_sort = table_sort
emoticon_smile = emoticon_smile