Icon Set Mapping

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/02/26 17:55



Mapping between Silk, Font Awesome, Glyphicon (Bootstrap) and Elusive (thanks to Maxim Ionut) sets.

XWiki icons

This is the set of icons that XWiki wants to support. Naturally, they must be present in every Icon Theme!

See XWiki Icon Set

Silk mapping


This is the Silk icon set, and we try to create a mapping for backward-compatibility only.

See Silk Mapping.

Other icons

Icons that exists in some icon sets but not on Silk. You can help by finding silk equivalent, if there is any.

These icons are not integrated in XWiki untill we find an equivalent for Silk.

NameSilkFont AwesomeGlyphicon (Bootstrap)Elusive
barcode fa-barcode glyphicon-barcode el-icon-barcode
bookmark fa-bookmark glyphicon-bookmark el-icon-bookmark
bullhorn fa-bullhorn glyphicon-bullhorn el-icon-bullhorn
certificate fa-certificate glyphicon-certificate el-icon-certificate
check fa-check glyphicon-check el-icon-check
chevron-down fa-chevron-down glyphicon-chevron-down el-icon-chevron-down
chevron-left fa-chevron-left glyphicon-chevron-left el-icon-chevron-left
chevron-right fa-chevron-right glyphicon-chevron-right el-icon-chevron-right
chevron-up fa-chevron-up glyphicon-chevron-up el-icon-chevron-up
cloud-download fa-cloud-download glyphicon-cloud-download
cloud-upload fa-cloud-upload glyphicon-cloud-upload
dashboard fa-dashboard glyphicon-dashboard el-icon-dashboard
eye-open fa-eye glyphicon-eye-open el-icon-eye-open
eye-close fa-eye-slash glyphicon-eye-close el-icon-eye-close
filter fa-filter glyphicon-filter el-icon-filter
fire fa-fire glyphicon-fire el-icon-fire
folder-open fa-folder-open glyphicon-folder-open el-icon-folder-open
folder-close glyphicon-folder-close el-icon-folder-close
fullscreen glyphicon-fullscreen el-icon-fullscreen
gift fa-gift glyphicon-gift el-icon-gift
github fa-github el-icon-github
inbox fa-inbox glyphicon-inbox el-icon-inbox
laptop fa-laptop el-icon-laptop
list fa-list glyphicon-list el-icon-list
magnet fa-magnet glyphicon-magnet el-icon-magnet


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