App Within Minutes Current Issues + Revamp
- This is still in progress
- Current version problems
- Revamp 0 - big change based on live data
- Revamp 1 - general structure stays the same
- Revamp 2 - even bigger changes
Current version problems
App Within Minutes Homepage
Problems | Look |
General Step
Problem | Look |
These issues concern all the steps:
Step 1
Problems | Frames |
Step 2
Problems | Frames |
| User gets to Step 2 |
6. Before selecting the field, it doesn't seem moveable, editable or deleteable. 7. It is not intuitive at all that the label of the field is clickable and is an input field. It took me a few tries before giving it a try and clicking on the label itself. I was very surprised that it actually worked 8. Hint input is very confusing, making this very important feature seem useless
9. Inputs don't have a placeholder texts, which makes them feel bugged or confusing | User adds field and selects it. |
10. Everything related to the Database List field is confusing | User added multiple fields and wants to add a hint to a Database List field. |
Step 3
Problems | Frames |
| User gets to Step 3 |
Step 4
Problems | Frames |
| User gets to Step 4 |
4. The live table columns dropdown is not consistent with other dropdowns in XS 5. The default live table columns don't include the user defined fields, the user needs to add them (again), which is annoying. The default ones are some of the generic ones, not even all of them. 6. Not all generic columns are explained 7. The icon chosen for the application is not showcased | User opens live table columns dropdown |
Single Application Homepage
Problems | Frames |
| User is on his application homepage |
4. The entry addition modal has an input with no placeholder text. 5. Entry name isn't any of the fields that the user defined and isn't exactly named like one of the generic fields it seems to be (Page title or Page Name). There has to be a cohesiveness between them. 6. The creation of the entry needs to be a 1 step process, no need for a name modal and then a page for setting the values for the fields. It makes the addition process slow. | User clicks Add new entry and a modal opens |
7. The new entry has no general description even though in Step 3 the user provides a general description. This is important because it makes sure the creator of the entry understands the context of the collection properly. 8. No default hint/no placeholder text for inputs (what if the creator didn't add a hint? there's no placeholder text?) | User gets to the new entry form |
Single record Page
Problem | Look |
1. Each field ocuppies one row which makes the page very long and hard to comprehend |
Revamp 0 - big change based on live data
Details | Frames |
add back the add field button 1. The idea is to let the user create structured collections of data very quickly, the same way he would do it in other software, but with the possibility to dwelve into more configurations (configurations that other software might not have) if need be. Thus, we hide steps 3 and 4 behing a collapseble heading (Additional Configuration) and seemingly merge step 1 and 2. There is no need to number steps and make the process seem too long. Step 3 and 4 were there to change defaults into customs, not create something new. Without step 3 and 4, the user can still very much use the collection, it's just that they would may make his life easier in some cases. 2. Because we base everything around live data, step 2 is remade as an initially almost empty table with only one example column given (Name, which is a short text field, identifyable by its icon). 3. The explicit blue text makes it clear to the user what he needs to press in order to add a hint text to the column (Enter search hint...) or add a new column/field (Add new field...). 4. Their intent is also supported by the iconography: search hint is accompanied by a search icon and the additon of a field is accompanied by a plus icon. This style of buttons is cohesive with other revamped areas of the UI, like the addition of tags. 5. This whole process is explained concisely in the beginning, specifying also the fact that the user can add entries only after he defines the collection, unlike other software. Explaining this to the user may alleviate possible frustration with the fact that live data doesn't work like Notion's databases or other software's collections. | User creates new collection and is led to a creation page |
add another frame before this that makes it easier to understand the dropdown add another frame after this that makes it easier to see the visibility property add another frame after this with hidden field After setting the search hint, the hint turns gray. When clicking on the Add new field button, a modal extends downwards. This modal/dropdown containes 3 input fields:
| User decides to add a new field (add another frame before this that makes it easier to understand the dropdown) |
When clicking outside of the dropdown, it closes and the field is defined When hovering over an existing field, its cell changes:
| User hovers on one field |
When a user extends downwards the Addition Configuration, he will see the info merged from the current Step 3 and Step 4 | User extends additional configuration |
Revamp 1 - general structure stays the same
This revamp keeps the 4 steps structure the same to not change things too much technically.
Step 2 which needed more changes than the others to be much easier to use.
Terminology changes
General step look
I've included here things that I won't include in each step analysis to avoid repetition.
Ideas | Look |
1. The progress bar has been extended horizontally to correctly vizualize the moderately lengthy process. Steps are connected with a line to increase the idea of journey or steps or process. 2. The progress bar states are better illustrated, with a clear focus on the current step 3. Labels of input fields are in Sentence case everywhere. CHECK THIS 4. All input fields have placeholder text 5. Non-essential details/explanations/examples are collapsed by default 6. Keeps Next step and Previous Step close to one another (related to Fitt's law) 7. Next step and Previous step buttons have chevrons that indicate visually the direction in which the process is moving |
Step 1
Ideas | Frame |
Come back on the mockup and change application into collection 1. We explain the concept of collection and records to the user and guide him through the process: Your data is stored as individual records in a collection. let's define this collection. 2. There is a placeholder text for the input field 3. Link and Code of the collection are collapsed. they are not essential information for a beginner user. Not processing their info speeds up the creation process 4. The user can't go to the next step without filling the name | User starts the collection creation process - Step 1 |
Step 2
The whole process of adding new fields in a database/collection is inspired by Adalo's UI for databases which I found to be the most intuitive UI I've personally worked with in the space of software that allow you to work with dynamic content.
Ideas | Revamp |
1. The user decides on what field he wants first and then its type. Anyone that wants to use Collections understands the idea of "fields characterizing data". So we simulate the thought process that anyone has when adding these fields/columns: What fields bext characterize your data? This approach transforms the thinking of "what data type should I add first? is this type best for this or this other one?" into "what data fields does my data need to have?" The benefit to this transformation is that a non-technical user 100% knows the fields he needs even if he is not sure of all the data types he could use, making the process more natural and familiar ( in excel sheets/spreadsheets, you name your columns and then decide what you do with them) 2. To add a new field, the user just clicks the Add new field button | User gets to Step 2 |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and add back the move option Come back on the mockup and add back hint 3. A new field has the label New field (Undefined) 4. Any field has a icon in front of it based on its type. A new field has a star. 5. The field is characterized by name, type and a hint. 6. The field type can be selected from a dropdown. 7. When the field is extended, it is in edit mode and it can be edited, deleted or reordered.
| User adds a new field. The field is currently undefined |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and add back the move option Come back on the mockup and add back hint 8. If the user needs more details, that info sits in the right side collapsed. On click on any of them, it extends downwards 9. In step 2, these extra details are
| User extends the info in the right for examples and explanations |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and add back the move option Come back on the mockup and add back hint 10. The field type can be selected from a dropdown that is organized in the following subcategories which are named based on their function:
11. Each field type from these sub-categories has a specific icon that, if chosen, will become the icon of the field. 12. Each field type from these sub-categories has a info icon in blue. | User open the data type dropdown |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and add back the move option Come back on the mockup and add back hint 13. When clicked, the info icon extends an explanation of the type and maybe gives an example of usage. The icon becomes gray while the explanation is extended. If the icon is clicked again it collapses the explanation. I opted for a info icon and not for a chevron because I don't want to make the user think there are sub-categories in the subcategories of the category, it has to be clear that those are explanations and not proof of another level of complexity.
| User clicks on the info icon for more explanations on a data type |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and add back the move option Come back on the mockup and add back hint 14. Once the user chose a name and a type for his field, it stops being undefined and New field takes the name and the star icon transforms into the type icon. 15. The Next step button becomes blue, indicating the user that he can proceed to the next step if he wants | User defines the field he created |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and turn chevron Come back on the mockup and add back hint 16. When another field is added the previous one that was extended gets collapsed and its chevron gets turned to the left. | User creates another field. The previous field shrinks |
Come back on the mockup and change Data type into Field type Come back on the mockup and turn chevron Come back on the mockup and add back hint
| Look of interface after having multiple fields defined |
Step 3
Details | Revamp frames |
1. We build some structure in step 3 by dividing all the info needed in 2:
2. Entry point is the new name for "where you add the record from". End point is the new name for "where you add the records". The latter explanation was reformulated as "where you store the records". I didn't want to use the verb add in both cases, as it is currently, because people scan the text and may not read the last word ("from" or nothing or "to") which makes the fields seem like they do the same thing. 3. For binary input fields we can use a toggle or a checkbox. I used a toggl but a checkbox would've worked as good. 4. Limit the descriptions of the fields. If they are named well and have a small explanation we don't have to right 2 rows of text for them. 5. In the "Locate visually & based on context" we have the icon field ocuppy less space and make a special dropdown. The user only wants to see the icon, not its name, I believe. If nothing is selected we'll have the question mark as the default value of the icon. If an icon was selected, that icon will be displayed in the circle. | User gets to Step 3 |
6. When opening the icon dropdown, the icon can be searched based on its name. | User open record icon dropdown |
Step 4
Details | Frames |
Come back on the mockup and include by default at viewable fields most popular generic fields + reverse colors Come back on the mockup and fix: Set up your collection's homepage 1. In this step, we should enable the description to strech on 100% of the page for easy page customization. This should be reflected in the homepage itself 2. We renamed other inputs are moved them after the description, to not limit the description space 3. We made the viewable fields / table columns in the style of the revamped tags with the default columns in white and the user defined ones in light blue. 4. All user defined fields and all default fields are already included. The user can delete the ones he doesn't need very quickly 5. It would be nice if we included a preview of the collection homepage so the user can edit stuff in the description or in the field naming before finishing 6. In version 1 (the one in the irght), the homepage preview orders content in the following order:
More details at the Collection Homepage analysis | Version 1
Come back on the mockup and include by default at viewable fields most popular generic fields + reverse colors Come back on the mockup and fix: Set up your collection's homepage 7. In version 2 of the preview, th structure of the homepage is:
| Version 2 |
Collection Homepage
Ideas | Frames |
1. The look of the homepage is much cleaner , more structured. 2. The description is empty by default (the heading and the lorem ipsum don't exist) 3. Actions ocuppy less space vertically and are cohesive with other parts of the UI 4. Live Data Table is slightly improved (more detailed in the Live Data Minimal Revamp) | User is on the homepage of this collection (V1) |
This is version 2 of the homepage revamp 3. Actions ocuppy less space vertically and are cohesive with other parts of the UI. They don't have a text besides the icon and that makes it easier to put them near the live data table, in a very minimal esthetic. This may hurt accessibility slightly, but their tooltips will explain everything needed.
| User is on the homepage of this collection (V2) |
Include the page name edit field 5. When the user clicks on the + Add record action, no modal appears. The user is directly lead to a page which is by default named by the formula: Collection name + Index in collection. 6. The record can be renamed in the creation form 7. Every newly created record features the general description the creator of the collection set up for giving context to every record in general. 8. Every field has an icon in front of its label to specify the field type 9. Every field has a default placeholder text even if the creator of the collection didn't provide a hint 10. The length of the input field depends on the field type, thus having 3 lengths on desktop: 1/3 out of the whole row, 1/2 of the whole row, the while row 11. In the creation process of a new record there should list the possibility of adding formated content. Is there already? I've added as a new field name Page Content, but maybe it's not needed. If there exists the possibility, then that tye of field should have an editor attached to it for easy customization, not relying solely on markdown syntax 12. After all of the fields, we could move the Add summary field (currently on the bar with the save and cance buttons) to improve discoverability of this important feature and also to update the general description of the record. Whatever the user inputs here (if he inputs) becoms the updated description of the record. I think this idea would also imply the creation of another default field / generic field: record summary. | User add new record |
Single record Page
Details | Format |
1. We give the possibility to the user to see one record's data as it would be isolated in the table, on one row. This makes following data easier sometimes because it's closer together so our eyes can follow it more easily. This is especially important when trying to analyze data that you cannot remember easily (big numbers, names outside of your country, etc.) 2. The normal format (vertical listing) is kept too, respecting the style from the edit/creation mode. The onyl modification we should do is keeping the field content inline with the field label for fields that not require more 100 characters (short text, date, emails, pages, group, user) 3. We list the summary at the beginning of the page | User views a record |
Live data minimal changes
Current look | Updated look |
Curent looks problems | Updated looks details |
Revamp 2 - even bigger changes
Details | Frames |