Active Install Design

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/02/26 17:57




Currently the Active Installs application is using a Dashboard to display its information.
There are some limitations that prevent this proposal:

  • Dashboard
    • the layout options for Dashboard are very limited: 2+ columns for all the content of the page
      • this prevents layouts composed of multiple areas, like first part to have 2 columns, the next one 3 columns and the last one column (see layout)
      • the alternative is to display the components on a grid, outside the Dashboard
    • the gadget titles cannot be customised
      • this means there is no way to style for example the version (see titles)
  • Chart
    • custom colours need to be defined per individual chart instead of be given from the CSS using variables. This need to be set up for all the charts used (see colours)
    • the chart width is calculated in pixels. An alternative would be to provide '%' widths in order to accommodate responsive layout. This can be overridden from CSS




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