Homepage - Proposal4: Set this page as homepage

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/02/26 17:54


Re: [Proposal] Simplified Home Page http://markmail.org/message/t5joclxvqfh3nhkm (Denis Gervalle, Sep 18, 2014)


P4: Remove <Space>.WebHome and implement a feature to "set this page as homepage" either for the wiki ("Main" space) or for any other space. Probably this setting will be stored in the space's WebPreferences

a) Nothing done for UC1 - preserve current state

b) For UC2, the user is only encouraged to *pick* something instead of create/customize something well. This later option is never really proposed anywhere. Probably this feature will be in space/wiki administration and we could have there a second option to create a new page and use it as homepage for the space/wiki.

c) UC3 is a bit problematic because we are hiding this operation behind the administration section

d) UC4 is covered by the nature of this proposal

e) No solution proposed for UC5. It helps a bit if we decide to use the Dashboard homepage as the default wiki homepage, since it features a spaces gadget, but once we change that, we would still probably need a navigation panel.

f) For UC6, depending on how this feature is implemented, it can be more problematic or less. If we use XWiki/WebPreferences to store the preference, we have a problem overriding that. If we use a dedicated HomePageConfig page for each space (or in the Main space for the wiki), that is easier to override, but ultimately we end up with this document that might get in the way all the time. One alternative solution would be to use XWiki/WebPreferences, but if a <space>.WebHome document does exist, to use it regardless of what we have in preferences. This way overrides are easier for flavors and other cases.

g) Ultimately, this solution has a big problem on backwards compatibility, since a lot of code works with <space>.WebHome and writes to it or redirects to it.

General Note: As noted on other discussions, this proposal can also be seen as a new feature that can be handled independently from what we choose for the default homepage approach.


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