Build Conventions

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/02/26 17:57




Naming conventions are based on Maven's Guide to naming conventions on groupId, artifactId and version

When you create new module, there are entities that require consistent naming:

  • Folder structure that leads to module location
  • In pom.xml
    • project.groupId
    • project.artifactId
    • project.version

Leaf module folder name

  • Only lower case English letters and "-" sign are allowed.
  • Folder name must not duplicate information carried in the parent folders
  • Folder name must be singular


Will identify your project uniquely across all projects, so we need to enforce a naming schema.

  • It has to follow the  package name rules (see More information about package names.)
  • Package name must be singular
  • Has to be at least as a domain name "org.xwiki" followed by corresponding module name.
  • A good way to determine the granularity of the groupId is to  use the project structure. That is, in a  multiple module project, it should append a new identifier to the  parent's groupId eg.


is the name of the jar without version

  • Only lower case English letters and "-" sign are allowed.
  • Must uniquely identify the artifact when resulting jars end-up in libraries (since artifact ID is the same as resulting jar  name). So artifact id is constructed based on folder structure.
    for XWiki project always <project-name>=xwiki. E.g. xwiki-plugin-archetype-parent

Based on type of the module output it might be appended with corresponding qualifier.

 Suffix  Usage case 
-parent  If this POM file is specified as "parent" in any other module
-aggregator  If it's an aggregating project (builds several sub-projects). If module is both aggregator and parent then parent rule takes precedence.

Name is a more literate view of atrifact ID and is helpful during  project build to distinguish which module is currently built.

  • Allows upper/lower case English letters, white-spaces  and "-" sign.
  • Words start with upper-case letter
  • It's being constructed as
    XWiki <top-level-module-name> - <sub-module-name> - ... - <leaf-module-name>
    e.g. XWiki Plug-in - Sample - Publishing - News Harvester

Based on type of the module output it might be appended with corresponding suffix

 Suffix  Usage case 
 - Parent POM  If this POM file is specified as "parent" in any other module
 - Aggregator  If it's an aggregating project (builds several sub-projects). If module is both aggregator and parent then parent rule takes precedence.


To be defined ...


While optional, still much recommended to add a good description to module general purpose and responsibilities.


Let's imagine some hypothetical plug-ins module, providing plug-in archetypes and several implementation samples. All implementations depend on parent plug-in archetype.
Table below illustrates the rules

 Directory Structure  Group ID  Artifact ID  Name
plugin |-archetype | |-simple | |-reader | \-wizard |-dependency-installer |-plugins-parent-pom \-sample \-publishing |-custom-blog-processing \-news-harvester org.xwiki.plugin org.xwiki.plugin.archetype org.xwiki.plugin.archetype org.xwiki.plugin.archetype org.xwiki.plugin.archetype org.xwiki.plugin org.xwiki.plugin org.xwiki.plugin.sample - org.xwiki.plugin.sample.publishing org.xwiki.plugin.sample.publishing xwiki-plugin-aggregator xwiki-plugin-archetype-parent xwiki-plugin-archetype-simple xwiki-plugin-archetype-reader xwiki-plugin-archetype-wizard xwiki-plugin-dependency-installer xwiki-plugin-plugins-parent-pom xwiki-plugin-sample-aggregator - xwiki-plugin-sample-publishing-custom-blog-processing xwiki-plugin-sample-publishing-news-harvester XWiki Plug-in - Aggregator XWiki Plug-in - Archetype - Parent POM XWiki Plug-in - Archetype - Simple XWiki Plug-in - Archetype - Reader XWiki Plug-in - Archetype - Wizard XWiki Plug-in - Dependency Installer XWiki Plug-in - Plugins Parent POM XWiki Plug-in - Sample - Aggregator - XWiki Plug-in - Sample - Publishing - Custom Blog Processing XWiki Plug-in - Sample - Publishing - News Harvester


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