Semantic Tags

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/11/19 16:13



Semantic Tags is a proposal to extend XWiki's default Tags using Zemanta content recommendation tool and Google search engine:

  • tag documents with user-defined tags (default behavior in XWiki for tagging)
  • tag documents with concepts from DBpedia: use Zemanta to recommend some tags for the wiki page content and Google search engine to suggest concepts from Wikipedia.



  • The popup with more details from DBpedia will be displayed when hovering over a tag.
  • The Wiki Tags tab will display the tag cloud from the entire wiki.


  • A tag will be removed from the suggested list when adding it to the Tags section for a wiki page. 


  • A tag can have different view states which will preserve the default behavior in XWiki: add icon, remove icon, link to the list of documents which were tagged with it.


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